Monday, 21 October 2013

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents & Students,
During the first part of quarter one our 6th Grade PE students were engaged in completing a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals to work on during the remainder of the year.

Other curriculum activities covered by all students during the first quarter included the sports unit components of badminton and softball where we focused on relating the skills of sending objects with appropriate force and direction to game play situations. We will commence quarter two with either swimming or Health Education followed by and leading into quarter 3 with our other components of the sports unit (netball & basketball) and our adventure-learning unit.

Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’, ‘PE’ page so you can view the program schedule and unit materials and assessment criteria/rubrics. Under the various unit components there are a number of student exemplars that bring the assessment criteria on the rubrics to life and can serve as a useful resource in helping students identify what it is they will be assessed on.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Kate Pennel
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,
During this first quarter, each of our 7th Grade PE students participated in an ‘individual pursuits unit’ activity circus, two ‘sports unit’ activities , Badminton and Lacrosse.

Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year.

Beyond this each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Kate Pennel
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents

During quarter one all of our 8th Grade PE students completed the first component of our grade 8 Heath Education program, (‘Substance Misuse & Abuse Prevention’). Each student also completed a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year. Other curriculum areas covered by all students during quarter one included the first component of our grade 8 ‘sports unit’ Field-hockey.

As we move into quarter two and beyond each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Kate Pennel
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,

During the first part of quarter one our 6th Grade PE students were engaged in completing a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals to work on during the remainder of the year.

Other curriculum activities covered by all students during the first quarter included the sports unit components of badminton and softball where we focused on relating the skills of sending objects with appropriate force and direction to game play situations. We will commence quarter two with either swimming or Health Education followed by and leading into quarter 3 with our other components of the sports unit (netball & basketball) and our adventure-learning unit.

Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’, ‘PE’ page so you can view the program schedule and unit materials and assessment criteria/rubrics. Under the various unit components there are a number of student exemplars that bring the assessment criteria on the rubrics to life and can serve as a useful resource in helping students identify what it is they will be assessed on.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Michael Coleman
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

8th Grade

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update
During quarter one all of our 8th Grade PE students completed the first component of our grade 8 Heath Education program, (‘Substance Misuse & Abuse Prevention’). Each student also completed a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year. Other curriculum areas covered by all students during quarter one included the first component of our grade 8 ‘sports unit’ (Field-Hockey).

As we move into quarter two and beyond each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Kate Pennel
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,

During quarter one all of our 8th Grade PE students completed the first component of our grade 8 Heath Education program, (‘Substance Misuse & Abuse Prevention’). Each student also completed a series of fitness and biometric tests. 

Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year. Other curriculum areas covered by all students during quarter one included the first component of our grade 8 ‘sports unit’ (Field-Hockey).

As we move into quarter two and beyond each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Michael Coleman
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,

During this first quarter, each of our 7th Grade PE students participated in an ‘individual pursuits unit’ activity (Circus), a ‘sports unit’ activity (Badminton), and engaged in the first component of the grade 7 Health Education program (‘Nutrition – Exercise Your Options’).

Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year.

Beyond this each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Fiona White
Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,

During quarter one all of our 8th Grade PE students completed the first component of our grade 8 Heath Education program, (‘Substance Misuse & Abuse Prevention’). Each student also completed a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year. Other curriculum areas covered by all students during quarter one included the first component of our grade 8 ‘sports unit’ (Badminton).

As we move into quarter two and beyond each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Joe Nolasco

Middle School Physical Education Department

General Course Overview & Quarter 1 Update

Dear Parents,

During quarter one all of our 8th Grade PE students completed the first component of our grade 8 Heath Education program, (‘Substance Misuse & Abuse Prevention’). Each student also completed a series of fitness and biometric tests. Prior to the Christmas break students will analyze their fitness data, graph it against age appropriate norms and use the results to select some personal fitness goals for the remainder of the year. Other curriculum areas covered by all students during quarter one included the first component of our grade 8 ‘sports unit’ (Badminton).

As we move into quarter two and beyond each class will engage in the same activities but at different times during the course of the year. Please have your child walk you through the information on their ‘MyDragonNet’ ‘PE&Health’ page so you can view the program schedule, unit materials and assessment criteria as rubrics or exemplar videos.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Kind regards,

Fiona White

Middle School Physical Education Department